We owe a gazillion thanks to everyone who helped with the event including all the participating authors who not only donated their time and expertise, but also took care of their own travel arrangements. Thank you to the panel moderators–Audrey Coulthurst, Jessica Taylor, B.T. Gottfred, and Deborah Takahashi–thank you for taking on the extra task and the extra reading. Thank you to Vroman’s Bookstore for taking care of book sales.
Thank you to Bridge to Books for lending a helping hand: Alethea Allarey who created the graphics; Thuy Lam who is our social media maven; Alyson Beecher and Kate Grieco who were our panel timekeepers; Janelle Alexander, Carolyn Gruss, Helen Fairman, and Romy Griepp for monitoring the book signing lines and at the author luncheon; Jason Donague and David Yenoki for lifting and moving stuff. Thank you to our Security staff for the tables, chairs, and making sure parking was available.
Thank you to our photographers, Alfonso Huerta, Catherine Hany, and Jonathan Haile. And thank you to all our teen volunteers, Ioana, Sofia Y, Frank, Sophie W, Jonathan G, Angel, Chris, Denisse, Taleen, and Blossom, who took care of parking directions, raffle tickets, setting up and cleaning up the snacks and book blitz, handing out tote bags, and checking in attendees. And thanks to our youth interns Keiaira Bradley and Perla Moreno who led the teen volunteers.
The schedule for this year’s event:
Photos by Alfonso Huerta
For more photos and posts about the event:
Pasadena Public Library Teens Blog: http://pasadena-library.net/teens/2017/plya/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pasadenalovesya/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pasadenalovesya/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pasadenalovesya
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